The Kearney Cultural Partners is a group of vital organizations that are dedicated to bringing a rich assortment of art, music, dance, theater, movies, history, literature, and family fun to Kearney residents and visitors all year round.
The Bricks Creative District
Downtown Kearney has been officially certified as Kearney’s very first Nebraska Creative District, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Kearney Cultural Partners! Visit creative-district to discover what the area has to offer.
Monthly Featured Events
We will be featuring KCP members and their events, giving you a chance to meet the partners, see the great events that are planned and help you “Find The Fun” in Kearney.

Stories For The Family
February 4 Geraldine Buckley, known for her wit, warmth and humor, will perform true stories based on her own globe-trotting adventures. 7:00 pm. https://kearney.events.mylibrary.digital/event?id=153001
Storytelling Festival
February 4-8 You’re invited to come hear professional storytellers—along with area tellers—present the art of storytelling in many area venues.
Valentine’s Dance
February 7 Enjoy an evening of dancing to the music of The Shackitanos at the Peterson Center. 7:00-9:00 pm. https://cityofkearney.org/944/Peterson-Senior-Activity-Center
Fabulous Friday
February 14 Trails & Rails Museum. Dr. Nathan Tye will be presenting “Love in the Archives,” which will feature love letters and other romantic tales hidden in our archives. 2:00 pm. https://www.bchs.us/

Rowe Guilded Crane Viewing
March 4-April 12 All tours begin at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Santuary. Pre-registration required. https://rowe.audubon.org/visit/guided-crane-experienceseason-events
Rowe Family Workshops
March 8 & 22 Family-friendly workshops partnered with MONA include an art project and indoor crane viewing. Ideal for families with children under 10 years of age. Pre-registration required. https://rowe.audubon.org/crane-season/crane-season-events
Jazz at the World Theatre
March 10 Take in the music, or take part in it by bringing your own instrument and join the band. 7:00 pm https://www.theworldtheatre.org/about-us/events/jazz-at-the-world-2/
Kearney Area Orchestra
March 11 The third concert of KSO’s 119 season, featuring works by Beethoven and Prokofiev. Michael Griffith, guest conductor 7:30 pm UNK Recital Hall https://www.unk.edu/kso/index.php